Owners frequently face difficulties teaching their dogs to defecate in a single location. You must remember that your pet's education is dependent on you and that his bad habits are not dependent on him. That's why it's critical to remember these seven steps for teaching your puppy to use the potty in one location.
Begin at the right age.
You should start toilet training when he is 7 1/2 to 8 1/2 weeks old. You can train the puppy to remove his stool at this point before he decides where he wants to urinate. If your puppy is older when learning begins, don't worry; he will still learn, albeit it will take a little longer.
Take your dog for a walk.
Experts advocate taking your pet outside or to a location of your choice six to eight times a day to let him poop. Choose a suitable location for it and remove it as soon as the puppy awakens, after play sessions, and 15 to 30 minutes after meals.
Don't let anything else distract him.
Making noise or distracting the puppy while learning to relieve himself will make it difficult to learn. It's also not a good idea to take it home before the goal has been met. It will be challenging at first, but practice will become second nature.
Make use of a key phrase.
Say the same phrase (for example, "pee" or "poop") every time your puppy goes outdoors to relieve himself or while he is defecating. He will learn that this term signifies the appropriate time and location to eliminate.
Don't forget the treat when the puppy eventually goes outside to relieve himself. Always provide stimulation to the puppy by feeding him a piece of food or playing with him. You must link the goodie to going to the restroom.
Keep an eye on your puppy Indoors and out.
You must avoid accidents when you’re home. If you pay attention, you'll be able to grab the puppy if he starts to defecate inside and transport him to the appropriate location. The dog must be taken out of the house at least once every four hours.
Don't penalise him after a mistake.
If your dog has an "accident" at home, don't go looking for him and rub his nose in it. It's something that many owners do, but it's an outlier. This is pointless because the wrongdoing has already happened. Instead, see if you can catch the dog in the act.
Food should not be accessible throughout the day.
Feed your puppy at regular intervals throughout the day, and remove the food bowl after 20 minutes. The puppy will need to go to the bathroom at frequent intervals.
Remember that patience is key in this process and that neither the person nor the animal should be stressed.