Himalayan Dog Chews from Yak Milk

Himalayan Dog Chews from Yak Milk

A nice dog treat or chew will make your dog stay ever happy. 

It is a great distraction for the dog and long lasting dog treats can keep them busy for hours. Giving the long lasting treat to your furry friend is a great way to train your dog to stay home alone. The dog will be too distracting from chewing the yak bar to know that you are gone. But remember to follow some training before leaving your pup alone. Start training your dog to be alone just a few seconds at the time. 


Great tip is to get ready as you would be going out, but instead of leaving just do your random house chores - this will make the dog not start to panic every time it hears jingling keys or you putting the shoes on will associate the dog's brain with ‘staying home alone’. 

Read more about ‘how to train your puppy to be alone’ here!

Here at Noseprint we have selected great natural treats for training to stay alone and also for day to day chews. 

Our most popular and our dogs favorite is Himalayan yak milk dog chew. For us it's our favourite product because we source it from Nepal and therefore we do support the families of the poorest nation. These families have been making these products for decades. 

These chews are made by hand by farmers of Nepal using traditional methods. It is originally made for human consumption to conserve the yak milk for a longer time and keep nutrition-ing themselves during the roughest month when the fresh food is not so available. The abundance of the yak milk from Nepal has made our dogs healthy and happier too. 

We are very proud to put these yak milk bars for our pups on the market. 

The delight in treats lies in the crunchiness and tastiness; that’s what Himalayan dog chews offer. 

The Yak milk-produced dog chews are mixed expertly with lime juice, salt, and milk. This combination is dried through organised processing and packaged as enjoyable snacks for your puppies. 

Himalayan dog chew makes the most pleasing treat for your dog because of its high naturalness and availability. This makes you treat your dog to familiar organic foods focused on nutrition and healthy growth. Himalayan chews are rich in protein and calcium. 

The preservative-free chews ensure your puppies have proper dental growth with no plaque and tartar. A clean dental arrangement positions your dog’s beauty and brings out the significance of proper care for your dogs. 

Our milk processed chews are 100% natural making them health-fitted choices. The chews are in sizes and can be prepared based on your dog’s preference. 

Himalayan chews can be served as snacks or treat to your dogs. The chews are easy to open and close and are microwavable if your puppy doesn’t finish.

You can always pick a leftover piece, microwave it and serve it hot to your dog. The chews are prepared through 28 days of dry smoking; making the chunks suitable for different feeding environments. 

Remember to serve water alongside our Himalayan dog chews and that’s highly recommended even by our nutrition experts for a healthy feeding habit. 

The Himalayan treats are fully handcrafted and safe to serve your dog continuously.

 We welcome that you subscribe to our monthly supply of milk-rich dog chews on our website noseprint.co.uk

Our customer-centric delivery service attends to your efficient delivery regardless of your location. Our expert delivery will locate you and deliver packaged delightful treats to you. 

Storing Himalayan chews in a cool and dry place will ensure it lasts for up to 3 years unpacked. 

Our natural and 100% organic Himalayan prepared dog chews are healthy and hygienic for you and your dog. Our chews make your dog happy and make you satisfied. 

With you satisfied and your dog delighted, we stay ahead of our equals in chews distribution. 

We take pleasure in delivering enjoyable treats to you without breaking your budget. You can send in your preferences for sizes or pick directly from our prepared chew varieties for dogs.

 We delight your dog through our protein-rich packaged chews.

If you are a pet shop and would like to buy Noseprint Himalayan yak milk dog chews please make your inquires for wholesale here hello@noseprint.co.uk

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